The Best 22 High-Protein Foods That Could Help Support Your Health, According To A Dietitian!

1. Eggs


Eggs are one of the most popular high-protein foods that dietitians recommend for those looking to increase their daily protein intake. Not only are eggs a great source of protein, but they’re also incredibly versatile and can be enjoyed in a variety of ways.

Eggs are an excellent source of lean protein, with about 6 grams of protein in one large egg. Protein is essential for good health, as it helps build muscle, repair tissue, and create enzymes and hormones. This makes eggs an ideal food for those looking to build muscle or recover after a workout. Additionally, eggs are incredibly affordable, making them a great option for those on a budget.

Eggs are also an incredibly versatile food. You can enjoy them boiled, poached, scrambled, or as an omelette. You can also add them to salads, stir-fries, or even just enjoy them on toast. Additionally, you can use eggs to make a variety of baked goods, such as cakes, muffins, or even pancakes.

One of the best things about eggs is that they are incredibly easy to prepare. All you need to do is crack the egg into a bowl and whisk it until it’s light and fluffy. Then you can add it to a pan and cook it to your desired preference. You can also add other ingredients, such as vegetables, herbs, or cheese for a more flavorful dish.

Overall, eggs are an excellent high-protein food for those looking to increase their daily protein intake. Not only are they an affordable source of lean protein, but they’re also incredibly versatile and easy to prepare. Whether you enjoy them boiled, poached, or scrambled, eggs are sure to be a hit with both dietitians and foodies alike.