11 Food Ingredients That Can Cause Inflammation In Your Body To Avoid!



Aspartame is an artificial sweetener approved by FDA and is used mostly as a sweetening agent by diabetic patients has an unknown impact on the body. The substance is believed to be a neurotoxin and can cause inflammatory response in the body as the body is not normally used to easily breaking down artificial ingredients very well.

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This leads us to conclusion that every food should be consumed to a balanced amount otherwise any food can cause inflammation if taken excessively. Here we have discussed some food products that are a potential source of inflammatory response in body that are not only short term but can produce inflammation over a prolonged period thus causing the body to become susceptible to many diseases. Anti-oxidant diet such as fresh vegetables and fruits should be included in diet to counter the action of food that causes inflammation in body. As Virgil says “the greatest wealth is health” one must make sure that they do not perceive any food as good food or bad food. It’s just a balanced diet with a healthy lifestyle that keeps the body functioning to its optimal and makes health a huge wealth as we grow older.