Nutrition-induced inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract
Low grade systemic inflammation is also called as sterile inflammation. It is strongly linked with high calorie diet when there is no infectious stimulus or local stimulus for the inflammatory process. This high calorie food intake causes inflammation as a result of oxidative stress that occur because of high glucose and free fatty acid concentration in the circulation causing release of free radicals that triggers low grade inflammatory response and may also contribute to formation of insulin resistance and accumulation of fats in vessels and arteries as well as organs such as heart. The high calorie diet causes inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. This calorie rich diet decreases the number of bifido-bacteria essential for normal gut activity and in turn increases the gram negative bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract thus subjecting the normal integrity of gut membrane to impairment leading to permeability for varying toxins produced by these gram negative bacteria. These toxins released in turn promote fatty liver, peroxidation of lipids which is oxidative degradation leading to free radical formation as well as insulin resistance which can trigger a prolonged and consistent systemic inflammatory response.
Good food, bad food
Edison has a famous quote that says “the doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition”. With the growing concern towards the common health issues such as obesity and diabetes, much of the growing concern has shifted towards the food we eat and how it affects the body. Food is fuel for life and its sustenance and though there is becoming a growing concern where some foods have been categorized as good while the others have been categorized as bad does not hold a sound basis as all food provides nutrition and energy to the body. It is not the food that is bad but its excess amount of intake is bad. Food would not have a negative impact on health if it is taken in a balanced manner with moderation. However, there are certain foods that we will be discussing which can cause inflammation if taken excessively and without a control to not only affect the health but also cause long term diseases as a consequence.
Food that causes inflammation
Some of the commonly used foods have been mentioned that cause inflammation in the body. As mentioned before the food cannot be categorized as good or bad but its excess or deficiency can be considered as bad or good to the normal health and stimulation of inflammatory response in the body. Here are some foods that cause inflammation and should be used in diet in a balance to avoid prolonged inflammation. They are: