11 Foods That Cause Constipation and The Solution!


(Whorton, 2000)We can find an old definition of Constipation from an ancient comprehensive book from Egyptian medicinal papyrus in the 16th century. According to this book, the main concept is poisoning the body with a substance released from decomposing waste in the intestines is a simple description of the disease. Constipation is caused by the fact that the intestine retains so much water from the waste of the human body which makes stool dry also making it tough inconsistency and for that it’s impossible to get out that waste from the human body. Undigested food or partially digested food (waste) that occurs travels from the intestinal tract to the large intestine that’s also known as the colon. (Saurabh Sethi, 2019)Food will pass through the digestive tract too slowly if someone facing constipation problem. Nutrients are consumed to back up a little since food typically passes through the digestive tract. There are so many problem patients can face because this can involve slow or hard-moving stool and issues with the nerves and muscles used to pass around the intestine. The soluble fibre can react with water and, when it moves through the digestive system, develops a smooth, gel-like substance. When it passes into the intestinal system, insoluble fibre preserves much of its form. Both types of fibre are associated with stools, raising their size and shape while still softening them. This allows the movement across the scrotum smoother. Pain, daily shifts, and symptoms that delay the colon’s muscle contractions or prolong the desire to go can also result in incontinence. Common constipation causes include:

  • Low-fibre diets, especially beef, milk, or cheese-rich diets.
  • Dehydration Hydration.
  • The absence of exercise.
  • The compulsion to have a normal breathing delay.
  • Traveling or other daily adjustments.
  • Any drugs, such as elevated naproxen and medicines for pain Pregnancy.

Foods Behind Constipation

Constipation is a common condition that is commonly characterized as experiencing fewer than three bodily functions each week. In fact, its associated effects, such as swelling and gas, are encountered by that many as 27% of people. The older or even more disabled you become mentally, the more probable they are just to feel it. Many diets can help alleviate the threat of constipation or decrease it, even though it can render it even worse.