What Foods Are Good For Your Stomach? | 12 Best Foods For An Upset Stomach

  1. Chicken or Vegetable Broth

Vegetable Broth

Chicken and vegetable broth can be soothing options when you have an upset stomach. Chicken broth is a clear, light soup made by simmering chicken meat, bones, and vegetables. It is easily digestible and can provide nourishment when you may not have an appetite for heavier foods. Chicken broth contains some protein, which can be helpful in maintaining your energy levels. The warmth and mild flavour of chicken broth can be comforting to many people with upset stomachs.

Vegetable broth is suitable for vegetarians and vegans, as it doesn’t contain animal products. Vegetable broth is also easy to digest and can provide hydration. It’s lower in calories than chicken broth, which can be beneficial if you’re trying to keep your calorie intake low during stomach upset.