What Foods Are Good For Your Stomach? | 12 Best Foods For An Upset Stomach

  1.  Boiled or Steamed Potatoes

Boiled Potatoes

Mashed or boiled potatoes (without heavy butter or spices) can provide a bland source of carbohydrates. Both boiled and steamed potatoes can be good options, but the choice may depend on your personal preferences and how your stomach reacts to each method of preparation.

Boiled Potatoes:

  • Boiled potatoes are often considered easier to digest than fried or roasted potatoes because they are softer and have a higher water content.
  • To make boiled potatoes more stomach-friendly, you can peel and mash them, which can make them even easier to digest. Avoid adding too much butter or spices, as these can exacerbate stomach discomfort.
  • It’s important to cook them until they are soft and easy to chew.

Steamed Potatoes:

  • Steamed potatoes are also a good option for an upset stomach. Steaming helps retain more of the potato’s natural nutrients.
  • Similar to boiled potatoes, you can peel and mash steamed potatoes to make them easier on your stomach.
  • Steamed potatoes are less likely to absorb excess oil or spices, making them a plainer option that may be better tolerated when you have stomach issues.