What Foods Are Good For Your Stomach? | 12 Best Foods For An Upset Stomach

  1. Oatmeal


Oatmeal can be a soothing and easily digestible option if you have an upset stomach. It is considered a bland and low-acid food that can relieve common stomach discomforts like indigestion, nausea, and acid reflux. Oatmeal doesn’t strain your stomach excessively, making it a gentle option when you’re not feeling well.

Fiber in oats helps regulate your digestive system. It can also help absorb excess stomach acid and ease symptoms of heartburn. It provides essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates that can help provide your body with energy and support recovery. If you prepare oatmeal with water or a mild liquid, it can help keep you hydrated, which is important when you’re experiencing stomach discomfort.