12 Foods To Avoid With Diabetes: 12 Foods to Steer Clear of if You Have Diabetes

3. Sugary Drinks

Sugary Drinks

Sugary drinks are full of added sugar and can be detrimental to your health if you have diabetes. Excessive consumption of sugary beverages, such as energy drinks, sodas, juices, sweet teas, and sports drinks, can lead to a spike in blood sugar levels and worsen symptoms of diabetes. If you have diabetes, it is important to limit or avoid sugary drinks and instead opt for healthier alternatives such as water, unsweetened tea, and milk.

Additionally, be mindful of beverages containing added sugar, such as smoothies and lattes, as these can also contain high amounts of added sugar and can increase your risk of diabetes-related complications. Ultimately, limiting your consumption of sugary drinks is a key component of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and managing diabetes.