Liver Disease: Top Warning Signs and Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and How To Keep a Healthy Liver?

Regarding liver transplantation:

Regarding liver transplantation –

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Liver transplantation is one of the success stories of modern medicine. This organ is now the most successfully transplanted one in the body. Owing to the regenerative nature of the liver, people who donate a lobe of their liver (we have two) can regenerate their lost part within a few months. Liver transplantation is still an operation that has many risks. It is done for patients who have chronic liver failure and in some cases of acute liver failure. Like all organ transplantation, liver transplantation needs compatibility between the donor and the recipient. This means that identical blood grouping, as well as other tests, have to be done to make sure that the recipient body won’t reject the new liver. If the body rejects the new liver, it will fail within a few hours to days and the patient will need a new liver as soon as possible. With that said, patients who get a new liver feel like they have been reborn. Their muscles start to regain their mass, their jaundice disappears, and their bleeding tendency diminishes.  Many patients can also recover from hepatic encephalopathy either partially or totally.