Liver Disease: Top Warning Signs and Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and How To Keep a Healthy Liver?

How is the liver disease diagnosed?

How is liver disease diagnosed –

When symptoms of liver disease are apparent, your doctor will diagnose liver affection and its cause using some laboratory investigations and imaging modalities. Laboratory investigations include:

  • Liver function tests (LFTs): Liver function tests include measuring the levels of liver enzymes, AST, and ALT, which rise when liver damage occurs as well as bilirubin. Other liver function tests include serum albumin, which is the main indicator of the liver’s capacity to produce protein. Prothrombin time (PT) can also be used as an indicator of liver function, as it is the first one to be affected.
  • Viral markers: Since viral hepatitis is one of the commonest causes of liver disease, detecting hepatitis viruses is routine in all cases of liver disease. This includes testing for Hepatitis A, B, and C.

Abdominal ultrasound is also needed for cases of jaundice and liver disease in general. It helps show what is wrong with the liver and excludes the presence of cirrhosis. Abdominal ultrasound is preferred and sometimes done routinely owing to its lack of side effects and ease of interpretation. A Liver CT scan can be used for cases suspected of having liver cancer.