Top 9 Foods High in Potassium | Potassium Rich Foods

Avocadoes and Banana

Avocadoes and Banana –

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Avocadoes and bananas are good sources of potassium. One cup of banana paste contains 455 mg of potassium. Avocadoes also provide a higher quantity of potassium. One cup of avocadoes contains 1130 mg of potassium. It is the highest quantity of potassium in avocadoes and, it is the richest source of potassium. Both fruits have an incredible taste and flavour. This property makes them outclass in fruits. Both fruits are nutritious and have a concentration of other ingredients. These fruits have fibres, vitamins and anti-oxidants. But avocadoes have a higher quantity of fibres and anti-oxidants. Avocadoes are responsible for good health. They reduce the fats content and help in weight management. They also help in preventing heart diseases.  Avocadoes are rich sources of potassium and other ingredients that reduce the risks of metabolic syndrome. They manage weight and body mass index. They prevent heart attacks or heart strokes. Banana also helps in improving the digestive system and managing blood sugars.