Healthy Sources of Vitamin D3: Boost Your Vitamin D3 Intake with These 13 Foods

5. Fortified Orange Juice

Fortified Orange Juice

Fortified orange juice can be a great source of Vitamin D3 – one of the essential vitamins needed by your body. Vitamin D3 is important for building strong bones, supporting a healthy immune system, and aiding in muscle growth. Fortified orange juice is a great way to get the daily recommended amount of Vitamin D3, with many brands containing up to 25% of the recommended daily value per serving. The Vitamin D3 found in fortified orange juice is derived from lanolin, a naturally-occurring substance found in sheep’s wool. It is then added to orange juice to give it that extra boost of Vitamin D3. Try swapping out your morning orange juice for a fortified one to get a healthy dose of Vitamin D3 every day!