Bronchitis Symptoms: 15 Warning Signs and Symptoms of Bronchitis


Acute Bronchitis usually does not cause complications but may lead to pneumonia in some people. In the acute stage, it can be difficult to differentiate the signs and symptoms of bronchitis and those of a common cold. A physical examination and a few tests will be necessary to do a distinction. Your doctor will examine your chest with his stethoscope and may suggest a Chest X-ray to determine if there is pneumonia or another condition that may explain the cough. Other tests include sputum tests and pulmonary function tests.

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You can take self-care measures by avoiding smoking, wearing a facemask when the air is polluted or avoiding irritants such as paint or strong fumes. People at an increased risk of developing bronchitis and progressing into pneumonia include older adults, people who smoke, those suffering heart, liver or kidney diseases, and those with a weakened immune system.

Even if you suspect a cold, and not bronchitis, it is recommended to visit a doctor when the cough does not improve in 2 weeks’ time, if the cough is making the person uncomfortable and not allowing you to sleep. Talk to your doctor if you have an associated chest pain with coughing, difficult breathing, and if you have blood in the sputum or unexplained weight loss.