Leg Pain Causes: What May Cause Leg Pain? 16 Conditions That Can Cause Leg Pain

  1. Shin Splints

Shin Splints

Shin splints can cause leg pain, primarily along the front or inner part of the lower leg. This condition is commonly seen in athletes and individuals who engage in activities involving repetitive stress on the shinbone (tibia) and surrounding muscles. Here’s an explanation of shin splints as a cause of leg pain:

The hallmark symptom is pain along the front or inner edge of the shinbone. It is usually described as a dull, aching sensation. The affected area may be tender to the touch. Pain typically worsens during or after physical activity, especially activities that involve running or jumping. Some individuals with shin splints may experience mild swelling in the affected area. In severe cases, there may be localized redness or warmth.

Shin splints often result from repetitive stress on the muscles in the lower leg, such as running on hard surfaces or engaging in activities with sudden stops and starts. Pushing too hard or increasing the intensity or duration of physical activity too quickly can contribute to shin splints. Wearing inappropriate or worn-out athletic shoes can increase the risk of shin splints.