Effective Home Remedies for Bursitis: 9 Ways to Relieve Bursitis at Home

3. Compression


Compression helps manage bursitis symptoms, particularly when swelling is associated with the condition. It involves using an elastic bandage or brace to wrap the affected area gently. The goal is to provide external pressure to the area, which can help in several ways:

  • Compression helps prevent the accumulation of excess fluid in the inflamed area by promoting the drainage of fluids away from the site of inflammation.
  • It offers support to the affected joint or limb, which can help relieve pain and reduce strain on the bursa.
  • It can provide added stability to the joint, limiting excessive movement that might exacerbate the bursitis.

Gentle compression using an elastic bandage or brace can help control swelling by preventing excessive fluid buildup in the affected area. Make sure not to wrap it too tightly, as this can impair blood circulation.