High Fiber Diet | What Are Fibre and its Benefits? | 14 High Fiber Foods You Should Eat!

How do almonds provide fiber?

  • Almonds have a high amount of insoluble fiber, which is the type of fiber that doesn’t dissolve in water.
  • This means it can help add bulk to your stool and make bowel movements more regular.
  • Additionally, almonds contain prebiotic fiber, which feeds the friendly bacteria in your gut.
  • These benefits are attributable to the high amounts of insoluble and soluble fiber found in almonds. Just a quarter-cup serving of almonds (25 grams) provides almost half of the recommended daily
  • With six grams of fiber per one-ounce serving, almonds are a great way to add more fiber to your diet.
  • Best for Heart Health, Almonds are a good source of protein, providing 4 grams per serving.
  • They’re also rich in calcium and iron.