8 Foods That Cause Heartburn I What are The Different Foods That Cause Heartburn?

Acidic Juices and Beverages:

Acidic Juices and Beverages – Thelifetoday.com

Foods that are rich in acids also cause heartburn. Citrus fruits are the sources of acidic juices. The study shows that 400 people consume citrus juices and, 71% of them experience heartburn.

The origin of citrus juices are limes, oranges, grapefruits and mandarins. These juices are rich in citrus acid and are responsible for heartburn. These citrus fruits are not the sources that cause heartburn in every person. These only cause heartburn in people that have a weak lower oesophagal sphincter muscle. This phenomenon is not only applicable to citrus juices. It also applies to beverages, beverage-based products and drinking beverages daily. It also causes the weakness of the sphincter muscle.