10 Cancer-Fighting Foods | 10 Foods That Could Lower Your Risk of Cancer!

  1. Nuts


Nuts have been shown in studies to help prevent various types of cancer. A study reviewed the diets of 19,386 people and determined that consuming more nuts was linked to a decreased risk of cancer death. For example, one study followed 30,708 individuals for up to 30 years and found that eating nuts frequently was linked to a lower risk of colorectal, pancreatic, and endometrial cancers.

According to other research, certain kinds of nuts may be linked to a decreased cancer risk. Selenium, for example, is abundant in Brazil nuts and may help prevent lung cancer in individuals with a low selenium status. Similarly, in one animal study, eating walnuts slowed the growth rate of breast cancer cells by 80% and reduced the number of tumors by 60%.

According to these findings, including a serving of nuts in your diet every day may help you avoid cancer. However, there is still need for further research in humans to assess whether nuts are linked to this link.