10 Cancer-Fighting Foods | 10 Foods That Could Lower Your Risk of Cancer!

  1. Tomatoes


Lycopene is a chemical element found in tomatoes that gives the fruit its bright crimson color as well as anti-cancer effects.

An increased intake of lycopene and tomatoes has been linked to a decreased risk of prostate cancer in several research. A study of 17 research revealed that a greater consumption of raw tomatoes, cooked tomatoes, and lycopene was all linked to a decreased risk of prostate cancer. A study of 47,365 individuals revealed that a greater tomato sauce consumption was linked to a decreased risk of prostate cancer.

Adding tomatoes to your meals is a simple way to increase your intake. Add them to sandwiches, salads, sauces, or pasta dishes for additional tomato flavor. However, keep in mind that these researches reveal a link between eating tomatoes and a decreased risk of prostate cancer, but they don’t take into account other elements that may be at play.