10 Cancer-Fighting Foods | 10 Foods That Could Lower Your Risk of Cancer!

  1. Green tea

Green tea

Drink up to a half-gallon of green tea each day, cold or hot, regardless of whether or not you take in caffeine. (Green tea contains epigallocatechin gallate [EGCG] and catechins, which are as powerful against cancer cells as they are difficult to pronounce.) Green tea also includes epigallocate. Given the amount of salt in Japanese diets, it’s no surprise that stomach and lung cancer rates are so high. Furthermore, given all the carcinogenic salty meals and cigarettes available in Japan, stomach and lung cancer rates would almost certainly be even higher.

It’s nearly difficult to obtain genuine green tea in the United States. You’ll get a mix of teas (sugar, water, and someone whispering the words “green tea” over the bottle) or simply green tea drink (a combination of teas to balance out that natural bitterness in green tea). Green tea from Japan has the most powerful flavor; and many varieties are available in Asian shops, with the finest brands being packaged in boxes that you can’t read. Black teas also lose beneficial catechins during fermentation, as well as catechins during washing.