10 Cancer-Fighting Foods | 10 Foods That Could Lower Your Risk of Cancer!

  1. Broccoli


Broccoli contains a chemical called sulforaphane, which is found in Cruciferous vegetables and has been shown to have cytotoxic activity.

Test-tube research revealed that sulforaphane reduced the size and number of breast cancer cells by up to 75%. Another study discovered that feeding mice with sulforaphane halted prostate cancer cells and decreased tumor size by more than 50%. A higher consumption of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, according to certain research, may be linked to a decreased incidence of colorectal cancer. According to one study of 35 research, eating more cruciferous vegetables was linked to a decreased risk of colorectal and colon cancer.

Broccoli, on the other hand, has been shown to help prevent cancer. However, including broccoli with a few of your meals per week may provide some anti-cancer advantages. However, bear in mind that no study has looked at how broccoli may affect human cancer specifically. However, the research has been exclusively limited to test-tube, animal, and observational studies that either looked at the effects of cruciferous vegetables or a specific chemical in broccoli. As a result, further investigation is required.