Tooth Abscess: Symptoms, Causes and Signs

Mandible pain

Mandible pain

Whichever the case, one of the main symptoms of dental abscesses is pain, which may take the whole mandible. In the majority of cases, tooth abscesses develop nearby the nerve endings of the corresponding tooth. These nerve endings come from a facial nerve that goes directly to your brain, and it is called the trigeminal nerve.

The trigeminal nerve gathers sensory information in a very wide area. There’s a branch of the trigeminal nerve for your upper maxillary area, another for your mandible, and a third branch for the area of the cheekbone and around. If your tooth abscess is located in your lower teeth, it is highly likely that the trigeminal nerve will become sensitized, and you may feel pain in the totality of the mandibular area innervated by the trigeminal nerve.