Fibromyalgia Symptoms: 12 Symptoms of Fibromyalgia (Hard to Believe). What are Yours?

5.Sleeping problems

Sleeping problems

Fibromyalgia patients usually have an alteration in their sleep pattern. This is expected in patients who feel pain and discomfort at all times and do not find a comfortable position to sleep. Additionally, these patients have an alteration in their circadian rhythm caused by an increase in metabolic stress and a constant sensation of pain.
Almost all patients with fibromyalgia report this symptom. They are sometimes unable to sleep or experience unrestful night sleep and daylight somnolence. These patients can have low levels of a neurotransmitter called serotonin, making them susceptible to mood swings and sleep pattern alterations.
Sleep deprivation by itself contributes to other fibromyalgia symptoms, including metabolic problems, hormonal imbalances, and neuroendocrine disease. One of the hormones that become altered in these cases is known as growth hormone. It is beneficial for muscle growth, bone density, and tissue healing in adults.