Fibromyalgia Symptoms: 12 Symptoms of Fibromyalgia (Hard to Believe). What are Yours?

3.Muscle pain and joint stiffness

Muscle pain and joint stiffness

One of the reasons why a rheumatologist is the one that diagnoses fibromyalgia is that the disease coexists with other inflammatory health problems, especially rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune conditions. By themselves, these conditions cause joint pain, stiffness, and myalgia (muscle pain). They are further intensified by fibromyalgia and higher pain sensitivity. This weakens the patient’s body and causes a constant sensation of tiredness.
Sometimes fibromyalgia triggers joint pain and muscle pain without any other rheumatoid disease. The reason is a current field of research, and it appears that muscle pain is the cause of stiffness, similar to what happens when you have an intense workout and end up feeling soreness and difficulty moving. The same sensation is maintained for a long time in fibromyalgia patients and causes a severe reduction in their quality of life.