Everything You Need to Know About Down Syndrome: Overview, Signs and Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

8.Skeletal abnormalities

Skeletal abnormalities

Right from the start, Down syndrome babies are born with low birth weight and length. Their head circumference is also smaller as compared to other babies. They continue to be shorter and tend to have a lower weight as compared to control patients of the same age. However, it is essential to note that 50% of adults with Down syndrome are obese. Accordingly, there is currently a special growth chart for Down syndrome patients because they cannot reach the same size and weight as control patients.
One reason for this growth retardation is an IGF-1 deficiency, but the exact mechanism is unknown. On the other hand, Down syndrome patients have particular skeletal abnormalities. For example, short feet, hands, and digits. Their fifth finger is shorter and curved. The pelvis bone looks different in X rays, and their joints are very mobile (joint laxity).