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Stretching and physical activity

Stretching and physical activity –

One of the best methods for relieving sciatica-related pain is to engage in a stretching routine. Yoga or Pilates are great disciplines that possess sets of moves suited to helping you feel good again. Stretching your lower back muscles and hip flexors will go a long way to lower the pressure on your sciatic nerve.

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However, for this method to be effective, you must make stretching exercises a regular practice. Start a daily routine that includes the following stretches:

  • Runner’s Lunge: Begin this stretch in a plank position while your hands are positioned directly beneath your shoulders. Step your left foot forward towards your hands and lower your arms to the floor. Relax your hips and lower back. This stretch provides a thorough depressurization of the hip and groin muscles.
  • Pelvic Tilt: While lying flat on your back, bend your knees and tilt your pelvis and curl the tailbone off the floor. Exhale as you flatten your spine against the floor and inhale as the tailbone comes down.