Pink Eye Symptoms (Conjunctivitis): 11 Most Common Symptoms of Pink Eye You Shouldn’t Ignore!

7. Sensitivity to Light


Sensitivity to light, or photophobia, is a frequent symptom of pink eye that makes normal exposure to light uncomfortable or even painful. This reaction is due to the inflammation and irritation of the conjunctiva and cornea, which can make the eyes more reactive to stimuli, including light sources such as sunlight, fluorescent lights, and screens. Individuals experiencing this symptom may find themselves squinting or needing to close their eyes in brightly lit environments, seeking relief in dimmer settings.

Managing light sensitivity involves minimizing exposure to harsh lighting and using sunglasses or adjusting screen brightness to comfortable levels. In some cases, doctors may recommend using eye drops to soothe the irritation and reduce sensitivity. It’s also important for individuals to give their eyes rest, especially if they spend significant time in front of computer screens. If sensitivity to light persists or is accompanied by severe pain, it’s crucial to seek medical advice, as this could indicate a more serious condition or require specific treatments to protect the eyes and alleviate the discomfort associated with pink eye.