Pink Eye Symptoms (Conjunctivitis): 11 Most Common Symptoms of Pink Eye You Shouldn’t Ignore!

10. Burning Sensation

Burning Sensation

A burning sensation in the eyes can be a particularly uncomfortable symptom of pink eye, signaling irritation or inflammation within the conjunctiva. This sensation may feel like a persistent, irritating warmth or as if the eyes are being exposed to smoke, even in the absence of any irritants. The burning can vary in intensity throughout the day and may be exacerbated by factors such as exposure to bright lights or screen use, contributing to the overall discomfort experienced by the individual.

To alleviate this burning sensation, using lubricating eye drops approved by a healthcare professional can provide immediate relief by moistening the eyes and reducing friction on the irritated surfaces. It’s also beneficial to limit exposure to potential irritants, such as smoke, dust, and strong winds, and to take breaks from screen time to rest the eyes. In cases where the burning sensation is severe or persists despite these measures, it’s crucial to seek medical advice. A healthcare provider can offer targeted treatments based on the underlying cause of the conjunctivitis, whether it be viral, bacterial, or allergic, to effectively reduce inflammation and alleviate the burning sensation.