Pink Eye Symptoms (Conjunctivitis): 11 Most Common Symptoms of Pink Eye You Shouldn’t Ignore!

3. Discharge from the Eyes

Discharge from the Eyes

Discharge from the eyes is a common and notable symptom of pink eye, manifesting in various forms such as clear, white, yellow, or even greenish secretions. This discharge is the result of the body’s response to the infection or irritation causing the conjunctivitis, with the nature of the discharge often providing clues about the underlying cause. For instance, a green or yellow discharge typically suggests a bacterial infection, whereas a clear, watery discharge might indicate a viral cause or an allergic reaction.

The accumulation of this discharge, particularly during sleep, can lead to the eyelids sticking together, making it difficult to open the eyes upon waking. It’s essential to clean the affected area gently with a damp, clean cloth, wiping from the inside corner of the eye outward to avoid spreading the infection to the other eye or reintroducing bacteria. Avoiding the use of contact lenses and sharing personal items like towels can also help prevent the spread of the infection. For bacterial conjunctivitis, doctors may prescribe antibiotic eye drops or ointments to clear the infection, while allergic conjunctivitis might be treated with allergy medications and avoiding known allergens.