Pink Eye Symptoms (Conjunctivitis): 11 Most Common Symptoms of Pink Eye You Shouldn’t Ignore!

4. Increased Tear Production

Increased Tear Production

Increased tear production is a natural defense mechanism of the eye, responding to irritation or infection by attempting to flush out foreign particles or pathogens. This symptom, often seen in conjunction with pink eye, can lead to a watery appearance of the eyes, sometimes mistaken for emotional tears. However, in the case of conjunctivitis, this increased tear production is the body’s way of protecting the eye and clearing away irritants.

While this symptom can provide temporary relief by diluting the irritants within the eye, it can also lead to discomfort and blurred vision as the excess tears overflow the eye’s drainage system. Managing this symptom involves addressing the underlying cause of the irritation. For instance, in cases of allergic conjunctivitis, avoiding allergens and using antihistamine eye drops can help reduce both tear production and other related symptoms. For bacterial or viral infections, appropriate medical treatments can reduce inflammation and return tear production to normal levels. It’s important for individuals experiencing excessive tearing to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure that the treatment plan is tailored to the specific cause of their pink eye.