Pink Eye Symptoms (Conjunctivitis): 11 Most Common Symptoms of Pink Eye You Shouldn’t Ignore!

2. Itchiness


Itchiness in the eyes is a frequently encountered symptom of pink eye that ranges from a mild annoyance to an intense urge to scratch. This sensation is especially common in cases of allergic conjunctivitis, where the eyes react to allergens such as pollen, dust, or pet dander. The itchiness can provoke a cycle of rubbing and scratching, which, while providing temporary relief, can actually aggravate the eye’s condition and lead to further inflammation or even introduce additional pathogens if the hands are not clean.

To manage this uncomfortable symptom, individuals are advised to avoid the triggers that provoke their allergies whenever possible and to maintain a hands-off approach to eye care. Cool compresses applied gently to the eyes can offer some relief by reducing itchiness and inflammation. Over-the-counter or prescription eye drops may also be recommended by healthcare professionals to alleviate the itchiness and control the allergic response. It’s important for anyone experiencing eye itchiness to resist the urge to rub their eyes and instead seek appropriate treatments that address the underlying cause of their symptoms.