Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) I Common Symptoms, Signs, Types, Diagnosis, Treatments, Management Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Via Diet

Abdominal pain

Abdominal pain
  • Pain associated with defecation
  • Pain associated with a change in the frequency or the appearance of the stool

Irritable bowel syndrome doesn’t have curative treatment. The management plan aims to improve the symptoms and the quality of life. Management plans vary among the patient; no single medication or diet plan works for everyone. The management plans for IBS include diet and lifestyle modifications and medications. The key to managing the symptoms is to know what the triggers are and avoid them. The diet modifications may involve high fiber intake, adequate hydration, a gluten-free diet, and fewer dairy products, cheese, and spicy food. Stress is a significant trigger for IBS that you need to reduce as much as possible; you may need to get more regular exercise, relaxation techniques, or talk therapy.

If the previous measure didn’t control the symptoms, the doctor would prescribe medications to relieve your symptoms. Tell your doctor about any medication that you take to help him to choose the right one. For pain and cramps, antispasmodics, such as dicyclomine, may help. Also, antidepressants help some people with pain and discomfort relief. For constipation, the initial measures are to drink plenty of water and increase the fiber in your diet. But, if there is no adequate response, you will need to use laxatives, such as lactulose, sorbitol, and polyethylene glycol. Also, for constipation, lubiprostone can help. For diarrhea, the first thing is to protect yourself from dehydration. Anti-diarrheal agents, such as loperamide and eluxadoline, slow gut movement and reduces diarrhea. Antibiotics, such as rifaximin, treats bloating and flatulence, and it also treats bacterial overgrowth. Proton pump inhibitors may lead to IBS symptoms; thus, you may need to avoid or stop them. Probiotics and herbal remedies (like peppermint oil) are also helpful.

The cornerstone in irritable bowel syndrome management is patient education. The patient should know what triggers the symptoms and avoid them. Also, the patient should learn how to reduce stress.

In this article, we will discuss -in detail- the following about irritable bowel syndrome:

  • What are the symptoms?
  • How can we manage it via food?