Foods High in Iodine: 10 Iodine-Rich Foods for Better Health

8. Prunes


Prunes, often celebrated for their digestive health benefits, are also a surprisingly good source of iodine. This makes them a sweet and nutritious snack for those looking to increase their iodine intake naturally. Beyond their role in supporting thyroid health, prunes offer a deep, rich flavor and a chewy texture that can enhance both sweet and savory dishes, adding complexity and nutritional value.

Apart from iodine, prunes are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, particularly potassium, which supports heart health and muscle function. Their high fiber content promotes digestive well-being, illustrating how prunes can contribute to overall health beyond just iodine supplementation. Integrating prunes into your diet, whether as a snack or a culinary ingredient, can be a delightful way to enjoy a range of health benefits, underscoring the importance of variety in a nutritious diet.