Foods High in Iodine: 10 Iodine-Rich Foods for Better Health

10. Potato


Potatoes, a humble yet beloved staple across many cultures, are also a valuable source of iodine, particularly when consumed with their skin. This earthy, versatile vegetable can be prepared in countless ways, making it easy to incorporate into any meal. From baked and boiled to mashed and roasted, potatoes offer a comforting presence on the plate while quietly boosting your iodine intake.

Beyond iodine, potatoes are rich in vitamin C, potassium, and fiber, contributing to a well-rounded nutritional profile that supports heart health, digestion, and overall well-being. Their widespread availability and affordability make potatoes an accessible option for enhancing dietary iodine, underscoring the notion that nourishing foods need not be exotic or expensive. Including potatoes in your diet is a simple yet effective way to enjoy a variety of health benefits, highlighting the importance of whole, unprocessed foods in maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle.