Shoulder Pain: Overview, Causes and Related Diseases, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Associated signs and symptoms

Associated signs and symptoms

Shoulder pain is only one symptom, and it is not enough to understand where it comes from. Other symptoms should be evaluated to trace back the cause and recommend treatment accordingly. The most common signs and symptoms reported along with shoulder pain are:

  • Movement limitation: This is the most common sign, and doctors will make sure that movement limitation is not only due to the pain. It can also be due to changes in the articulation itself. In any case, the range of motion is compromised, and patients can’t fully use their articulation.
  • Swelling: It is an increase in the volume or size, usually associated with inflammation. Swelling is particularly common in arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. It could be just an increase in volume or could be related to warmness and redness in the articulation.
  • Stiffness: This symptom is associated with a significant reduction in the range of motion. The articulation is particularly difficult to move and seems like there’s an actual physical barrier that does not allow any movement.
  • Weakness: Besides stiffness and movement limitation, patients with shoulder pain often report muscle weakness. The articulation’s capacity and the muscles that do the job are severely compromised, sometimes due to pain.
  • Tingling or numbness: Some patients may also feel numbness or tingling in the articulation or nearby.