Knee Pain: Causes, Signs, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment, When To See Your Doctor?

Treatment options for osteoarthritis

Treatment options for osteoarthritis –

Osteoarthritis management is essential knowledge for all physicians. The prevalence of the condition and its chronic nature necessitates a gradual approach in its management to avoid using unnecessary medications or intervention. Currently the used regimens include:

  • Exercise programs: Exercise is essential to strengthen the muscles of the knee joint. Strong muscles mean less stress on the joint and less pain. Patients are instructed to walk at least half an hour 5 times a week.
  • Analgesics: Analgesics are used cautiously and in a gradual manner to avoid their side effects on the kidney and stomach. Patients who have to take high doses of analgesics for a long time should get their kidney functions checked and should receive protection against stomach ulcers.
  • Joint injections: Joint injections with steroids or hyaluronic acid are other options in these patients. Pain relief can last for up to 6 months.
  • Joint wash: Joint wash is a procedure done to clean the joint from debris and inflammatory chemicals. This procedure helps reduce pain considerably.
  • Joint replacement surgery: It is the last resort in osteoarthritis cases