Knee Pain: Causes, Signs, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment, When To See Your Doctor?

Symptoms of knee pain

Symptoms of knee pain –


    Symptoms of knee pain include:

    • Inability to fully flex or extend the knees without considerable discomfort or pain.
    • Pain that increases on movement and improves on rest.
    • Swelling and redness of the knee.
    • In some autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, knee pain is maximal on rest and improves with movement. It is also associated with incapacitating morning stiffness.
    • Locking: Locking is a common symptom of meniscal tears. It means that your knee can get stuck in a flexed or extended position for some time with you not being able to move it. If you try to force it using your arms or knee thigh muscles, severe pain will result.
    • Giving way: Giving way is a symptom of ligament tears especially cruciate ligaments. It means that your leg can suddenly flex from under you while standing or walking, affecting you balance and potentially causing falls.
    • Popping sounds while moving your knee: They usually occur in osteoarthritis when the rough, worn out cartilage rubs against each other. It is worth noting here, though, that many cases of popping sounds while using your knees is not a result of osteoarthritis and can be normal.