Home Remedies To Relieve Toothache: 13 Home and Natural Remedies for Toothache Pain

  1. Peppermint Tea Bag

Peppermint Tea Bag

Using a peppermint tea bag to relieve a toothache is a home remedy that some people find helpful for temporary pain relief. Peppermint tea bags contain compounds that can have mild numbing and soothing properties. Here’s how you can use a peppermint tea bag to help alleviate toothache pain:

  • Place a tea bag in a cup of lukewarm water. Let the tea steep for 5-10 minutes to allow the peppermint flavor and properties to infuse into the water.
  • Allow it to cool until it’s comfortable to touch but still warm.
  • Gently bite down on the warm tea bag, placing it against the affected tooth or the area causing pain.
  • Hold the tea bag in place for several minutes, allowing the warmth and peppermint properties to help numb the area and provide some relief.