Home Remedies To Relieve Toothache: 13 Home and Natural Remedies for Toothache Pain

  1. Acupressure


It is an alternative therapy that involves applying delicate pressure to specific body points. Stimulating these points alleviates pain and promotes relaxation. It can be used as a complementary approach to manage pain temporarily. Acupressure can be used with proper dental care to help manage pain and discomfort. Here’s a basic guide on using acupressure for toothache relief:

Several acupressure points on the body are believed to be helpful for toothache relief. Large Intestine 4 (LI4) and Stomach 6 (ST6) are commonly recommended points.

When applying pressure to these points, use your thumb or index finger. Apply steady and gentle pressure in a circular motion for 2-3 minutes or until you experience some relief. You can gradually increase the pressure if it feels comfortable, but avoid pressing too hard, as it may cause pain or bruising.