Home Remedies To Relieve Toothache: 13 Home and Natural Remedies for Toothache Pain

  1. Onion


Using onion as a home remedy to relieve a toothache is a traditional and natural approach. Onions contain certain compounds with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, potentially providing temporary relief from toothache pain. Here’s how you can use an onion for this purpose:

  • Take a fresh onion and cut off a small piece. You can use either a white or red onion.
  • Peel off the outer layers until you have a clean onion slice.
  • Place the onion slice directly onto the affected tooth or gum area, causing pain.
  • Gently bite down on the onion slice to release its juices, which may help numb the area and reduce pain.
  • After using the onion, rinse your mouth thoroughly with lukewarm water to remove any onion residue and taste.