
Kidney Stones: Symptoms, Treatment, Foods that Cause Kidney Stones, What To Eat if You Have A Kidney Stones?


Human body organs are very precious. These organs do not have any alternative in the whole wide world. It is very important to take good care of yourself both inside as well as outside. The health of our internal organs depends upon what we eat, what we drink, how we live, what environment we have, what is our health condition and so on. The kidney is one of the most important body parts. There are two kidneys in the human body, if one kidney stops working, human beings can stay alive on another single kidney throughout their life. The kidney filters the water, excrete toxic materials, regulates the PH volume, removes the waste materials from the body, produces hormones, and suppresses a balance in the body chemicals or fluids. Simply, it is your body dispenser. It never stops working unless it performs dysfunctional activities due to certain reasons. Contribute to helping your kidney by eating a healthy diet and with a healthy lifestyle. The kidney can be prone to many diseases due to carelessness such as kidney stones, chronic kidney diseases, acute kidney diseases, problems in urination or urinary infection, cystic infection, and many more. Kidney stone is a very common disease in human beings. Researches show that every one out of 10 people suffers from kidney stones once in a while in his life.  Men are more prone to kidney stones as compared to women. Tobacco consumption also plays a big part in kidney stones. To prevent kidney stones we should follow measured health precautions and avoid food and things that cause kidney stones.

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Foods that contribute to kidney stone

Food is the biggest contributor to our health along with the beverages, environment as well as lifestyle. We must be aware of the things we eat and drink. An excessive amount of eating can destroy our health, as well as no eating, does. Take precautionary measures in your daily intake. People love to eat and drink different kinds of food, mostly junk. Some food items cause kidney stones. These items are

  • Spinach and green veggies.
  • an excessive amount of tea
  • dry fruits like almonds, nuts, etc.
  • chocolate
  • Beets
  • seeds
  • tomato or tomato seeds
  • food with an excessive amount of salt

Certain food items flare up the chances of kidney stones or increase the stones in the kidneys. Such as pork, fish, eggs, beef, cheese, etc. Limit your protein intake. If anyone is suffering from kidney stones, he must avoid these food items.


Spinach –

Although spinach is a healthy food item with minerals as well as vitamins filled in it. But also it has a rich amount of potassium and oxalate which is not good for kidney health. Excessive intakes of spinach can prone your kidney to kidney stones. However, spinach cannot harm you if its intake is normal. It increases the amount of oxalic acid in the body and also can affect the body to absorb vitamins as well as minerals. It is also an iron-rich food item and large or regular intake may interfere with body iron. All of the irregularities affect the health of the kidneys.

Tea as a contributor to kidney stones

Tea as a contributor to kidney stones –

Tea has a high fan following from all around the world. People do not bother to have tea even on the hottest day of summer. People usually drink tea twice or thrice or more in a single day. Tea is supposed to be a body relaxant, that is why tea intake is high daily. Roughly intake or heavy intake of tea leads to many body diseases. One of them is kidney stones. Tea lovers are prone to kidney stones because tea contains heavy oxalate concentration. People who have suffered or currently are suffering from kidney diseases or kidney stones should eliminate the intake of tea. The oxalic acid in the tea contributes to kidney stones. It also higher the risk of relapse of kidney stones when once treated. Caffeine in the tea can also cause kidney stones. Caffeine works as a stimulant in the human body. It can increase the pressure on the kidneys along with high blood pressure, fast blood flow, and so on.

Dry fruits in causing kidney stones

Dry fruits in causing kidney stones –

Dry fruits are the gift of winter. People eat dry fruits keenly. But an excessive amount of dry fruit intakes such as almonds, nuts, pistachios, cashews, peanuts, and vice versa contain a high amount of oxalate. Oxalate is the primary source of causing kidney stones. These nuts lead to calcium oxalate kidney stones. In this type of kidney stone, a person needs to be avoiding calcium as well as oxalate-rich supplements. Almonds, pistachios, cashews peanuts are also rich in phosphorus and iodine. Both minerals contribute to kidney stones if the intake is heavy. Try to keep the balanced eating of nuts no matter how much You love to eat them.

Diets to have during kidney stone

Diets to have during kidney stone –

Diseases make the human body vulnerable, weeks the immune system, exposed to many other diseases or viruses. It is very important to have a good diet during kidney stones. Kidney stones can sometimes get removed through food items without any surgery. People who have stones in their kidneys must improve their dietary intake. Drink a lot of milk. Milk contains calcium and calcium helps to eradicate the useless stones from the kidney. Calcium intake on daily basis twice or thrice can help kidneys with stones to perform a better function. It provides hands-on help and energy to the kidneys to keep on track. Dairy products such as yogurt and cheese should be in the diet intake daily. Eat citrus fruits and food that contains vitamin C in rich amounts. Eat a lot of oranges as well as lemons. Citric acid helps to break down the stones and passes them through the urinary tract. Drink fresh citrus juices twice or thrice a day. Juices can also keep you hydrated. Drink water as much as you can. Water is the main and vital ingredient that contributes everything to the health of kidneys.

Effects of a kidney stone on health

Effects of a kidney stone on health –

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Every disease has its effects and marks on the health of a person, both physically as well as mentally. Kidney stone, although, is not fetal but yet it causes multiple infections and prolonged pain in the kidney. Kidney stones rarely cause damage to kidneys. But on the other hand, multiple stones in the kidney can dysfunctional its regulatory affairs. Kidney stones must be treated on time or else kidneys can have frequent infections, urinary tract infection, renal infection, and so on. Long-term kidney stones, when left untreated, can cause chronic kidney diseases. Chronic kidney diseases are irreversible, non-curable, and sometimes fatal enough for damaging the kidneys. At times, people take it lightly to have one stone in either of the kidneys. One stone can make the ground for another stone and the story continues. Stones keep on increasing with the span of years. People who have been treated and defeated the kidney stones are slightly more prone to have a relapse.

Symptoms of kidney stones

Symptoms of kidney stones –

Every disease sends indications when it starts to develop in your body. Kidney stones or kidney diseases sometimes are hard to get diagnosed. But if someone is having some irregular functions in the body, must get himself checked by a physician. Kidney stones show symptoms that can be helpful in diagnosis. These symptoms include unusual nausea followed by vomiting. A kidney stone patient would be seen throwing up frequently. Intense pain in your lower back, as well as both sides of the torso, is also a sign of kidney stone. Blood secretion through urine is also caused by kidney stones. The kidney that bears the stone irregulates the urination process, the patient either cannot even urinate properly or need to pee frequently. Bad smell from urine, change of urine color, painful urine are the alarming signs that you must get a kidney x-ray at first hand.

Treatment of kidney stones

Treatment of kidney stones –

Treatment on time can help to eradicate any kind of disease. Kidney stones are the ones that must not be neglected or procrastinated in treatment. Get your unwanted stones out of your body as soon as possible. Otherwise, this will open the door for further stones as well as kidney infections. Most kidney stones patients are hesitant of surgery. Surgery is not the only option for treating kidney stones. There are two types of treatment for kidney stones. One is a natural treatment and the other is medical treatment.

Natural treatment

Natural treatment can be done by home remedies. In most kidney stones cases, stones are removed from the body without any surgery. Stones pass out of the body through urine via the urinary tract. This treatment requires the patient to drink plenty of water, citrus juices, dairy food items. These food items cause an increase in the regular amount of urination. as a result of frequent urination, kidney stones pass out from the body with urine. This happens in more than 90% of kidney stones cases. It takes five to seven weeks for the stones to pass. The only medicine needed in the natural treatment is a pain killer. Patients need to be active during treatment. They are required to do morning and night walks, do healthy exercises, and have stress resistants. Stress or anxiety can play a big part in the formation of kidney stones in the body.

Medical treatment for kidney stones

Medical treatment for kidney stones –

The need for medical treatment for kidney stones is in the case of the disease is getting out of hand. Doctors suggest different treatments as well as surgeries to treat kidney stones. The option of surgery comes if the stones have blocked the uterus tubes or tract of urinary tubes that go from the kidney to the bladder. Surgeries are performed if the stone is bigger. Small stones can pass out of the body but it is difficult for the large stone from the urinary tract. This happens when more than one stone is formed in the kidney with a size of 0.5 can or large. Doctors offer other treatments such as percutaneous nephrolithotripsy (PCNL), extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) ureteroscopy, and so on. Doctors suggest a treatment based on severeness of the disease.

Exercises for kidney stones

Exercises for kidney stones –

Exercise plays a big role in passing out the kidney stone naturally through the urinary tract. The patient can choose the right moves to treat their kidney stones. Morning walks, light jogging, light yoga, cardio workout, and night walks are the big contributors to the passing out of stones from kidneys. Your body posture can also help to remove stones from your kidney. A patient should sleep on the side of the kidney that contains the stone. Help in the movement of stones out of kidneys. Exercise also helps to fulfill the body water requirements. Drink healthy supplements along with water during a workout. Consult your urologist about the exercise or workout you should do during kidney stone disease. Add punctuality to your routine. Eat your food on time every day.  Ask your urologist about the food you must take before and after of workout.


Conclusion –

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Certain food items cause kidney stones. Reduce the use of such food items. Instead, take a healthy diet followed by a healthy routine. Food items have a great impact on the health of our kidneys. The Health and life of the kidneys depend upon the food and beverages intake. Maximum water intake is a must for treating stones. Avoid rich sugar contained food items, junk food, soft drinks, and hard drinks in order to have a healthy kidney. Kidney stones are not that hard to treat. Around 90 percent of the stones are treated normally with natural remedies. Small kidney stones can pass out of the human body within a month or two. Bigger size kidney stones are alarming signs. Prolonged kidney stones can cause frequent as well as multiple infections that lead to chronic kidney diseases.

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