What Are The Gout Symptoms? 19 Warning Signs and Symptoms of Gout To Be Aware Of!

7. Podagra


This is also an important manifestation of gout. Around 50% of patients with gout will also have podagra to a certain degree. If they are not adequately treated and leave the problem unsolved, the incidence of podagra may reach 90%. We have reviewed different gout symptoms above, but podagra joins them all at the same time. It is a combination of severe pain, redness and swelling, temperature changes, and stiffness in the same articulation. Podagra only refers to these manifestations in the big toe. More specifically, in the metatarsophalangeal joint. Most of the uric acid crystals are deposited in this articulation, and it is the most commonly involved in gouty arthritis. Podagra is usually sudden, and the attack starts at night. Without treatment, your organism may resolve the flare by itself, but it sometimes takes up to 10 days to fully resolve.