What Are The Gout Symptoms? 19 Warning Signs and Symptoms of Gout To Be Aware Of!

11. Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome

As noted in other parts of the article, the most commonly involved articulation is the metatarsophalangeal joint. This is basically the big toe joint in one or both feet. But other articulations can be taken instead. Some patients develop carpal tunnel syndrome instead of the usual pain symptoms described above. The carpal tunnel provides tight access to the nerves and tendons to the inside of the hand. The space is limited, and even a slight reduction can cause numbness, pain, and other carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms. In gout, uric acid crystals create structures inside the carpal tunnel and compromise space availability. The median nerve is usually affected, causing pain in your hands, a tingling sensation, and other symptoms. The movement can also be compromised as flexor tendons are involved.