
Avoid These Top 16 Cancer-Causing Foods You Probably Eat Every Day

Food is essential for life, but it may also contribute to disease. That’s why it is so important to be careful and understand the risk behind certain food choices. It’s not about being picky or creating myths; it’s about caring for our health and going for the best nutritional choices.

When you think of causes of cancer, the first thing you may picture is radiation from X-rays and your own genetics. But these risk factors have minimal effect on your organism unless triggered by environmental factors: what you eat and how you live.

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That’s why we have gathered a list of 16 cancer-causing foods you should be aware of, especially if you have family predisposition towards any form of cancer:



Almost every form of red meat, including beef, is associated with a higher risk of cancer. It is tagged as a probable cause of cancer by the World Health Organization, which means it is likely to cause various forms of cancer, according to the literature. It was estimated that one for every six cases of colon cancer were associated with excessive consumption of red meat.



According to extensive research, alcohol is a risk factor for 7 different varieties of cancer. Even small amounts can lead to an increased risk of cancer, especially when it is consumed every day. Liver cancer is one of the most important, especially related to alcoholism, but drinking too much may increase your risk of esophageal cancer, mouth cancer, pharyngeal cancer, breast cancer, and colon cancer. It is even worse when patients drink and smoke at the same time because smoking is an additional source of free radicals and carcinogens.

Vegetable oils

Vegetable oils

They include sunflower and canola oil, and many salad dressing based on similar vegetable oils. These seed oil, as well as margarine and other products made with them, are cheaper than olive oil because they have a type of inflammatory fat that promotes cancer growth. Unfortunately, we have grown accustomed to frying and using oil every time we cook, and this increases the formation of aldehyde in the body when this unhealthy type of fatty acid interacts with oxygen in high temperatures.

Salted fish

Salted fish

Chinese-style salted fish is labeled as potentially carcinogenic, and there are studies that link the consumption of this type of fish with nasopharyngeal cancer. During the steaming process of Chinese-style salted fish, a series of compounds are created that may affect humans, especially children. Thus, it is recommended not to give this type of fish to your children, especially before 10 years of age, and only consume it in moderation if you’re an adult.

Bacon and processed meat


We mentioned that red meat is associated with inflammation and cancer, and this is especially the case in processed red meat. That includes bacon, salami, and many others. They are known to increase the incidence of bowel cancer. According to an epidemiologic study, only eating 3 slices of ham every single day may increase the risk of bowel cancer. That is much less bacon than most of us eat in an American diet, and we can add to that the vegetable oil that is used to cook. So, be careful with your meat choices, and the way you prepare your foods.

Sausages and hot dogs


Yes, hot dog are included in the blacklist as well, and sausages, because they count as processed meat. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, processed meat –and that includes hot dogs- are carcinogenic to humans, and there is sufficient evidence that links this type of meat with colorectal cancer. According to this agency, eating only one hot dog every day or an equivalent of 50 grams of sausages might be enough to increase your risk of bowel cancer by 18%.

Hot beverages

Hot beverages

This time is not about what food has but its temperature at the moment of serving. Drinking hot beverages is associated with a higher risk of esophageal cancer, according to a recent study. Patients who drink 2 or more cups of tea and other beverages at hot temperatures every day have a 90% higher risk than people who drink at cooler temperatures. This is bad news if you like to drink hot coffee every morning. But doesn’t mean that coffee or tea is bad for you. You just need to wait until it cools down a bit before drinking.

Overcooked food

Overcooked food

We need to clarify this one because the link between overcooked food and cancer is not very clear yet. Cooking food at very high temperatures and letting it burn may contribute to forming a molecule called acrylamide. This molecule is a known carcinogen when synthesized in the industry. However, it is not known whether or not its effects are really as bad as we suppose. Thus, try not to overcook your food to prevent cancer, but don’t feel forced to turn down burnt food. At least not because of cancer.

Soda pop

Soda pop

Soda contains a series of ingredients that would potentially cause cancer, even though the link has not been properly established. For example, it contains added sugar and contributes to obesity, which is associated with cancer. It has aspartame, saccharin, and other additives proven as carcinogens in animal models. Even though they might not have the same effect in humans, they do alter your gut microbiota and trigger certain effects that you might want to avoid.

Foods stained with organic pollutants


There are many types of organic pollutants, including methylmercury, chlorinated pesticides, and other industrial byproducts that often contaminate food and lead to a series of alterations. The majority of them suppress the immune system and cause hormonal disruptions that lead to chronic disease and cancer.

Sweets and candies

Sweets and candies

Sugar does not cause cancer directly. They are just carbohydrates, and they are needed in your metabolism. However, added sugars and the excess of carbohydrates in your diet may lead to blood sugar problems and increase the concentration of insulin and insulin-like growth factor (IGF) in the blood. IGF is a peptide hormone that stimulates growth, but an excess IGF promotes the formation and progression of tumors in patients with susceptibility.

Canned food

Canned food

Among processed foods, one of the worst choices are canned foods. Even foods with plenty of antioxidants become a risk when they are canned, e.g. canned tomatoes. According to nationwide testing of canned foods, almost 40% of cans contain a substance called bisphenol A, and commonly known as BPA. This substance is behind an increased risk of prostate cancer and breast cancer, and it is an endocrine disruptor that may cause several other diseases.

Synthetic chemicals in popcorn

Microwave popcorn

Microwave popcorn bags are made with chemicals that prevent oil from soaking the whole bag. These chemicals are called perfluorinated compounds and can be found in many other containers and food packaging, including sandwich wrappers and pizza boxes. Thus, it is not a very good idea to consume microwaved popcorns every time you watch a movie. Instead, you can go for the traditional way to prepare them.

Potato chips

Potato chips

We mentioned acrylamide above, and how this substance is known to induce cancer in animal models. Potato chips and French fries contain a lot of acrylamide. They are also soaked in vegetable oils, making them potential cancer-promoting agents.

Whole milk

Whole milk

It is regarded as safe and very healthy for young children and older men and women, but whole milk may also contribute to the risk of prostate cancer and breast cancer. Thus, if you want to avoid this risk and keep using dairy, you can opt for skimmed milk instead.

GMO vegetables

GMO vegetables

GMO stands for genetically modified organisms. In other words, their genes are combined and modulated to resist pests and have better crops. However, we have learned that genetics is very complex, and when we intervene in one of them, others may become affected as well. It is not possible to know the full extent of consequences when a new GMO product is made. Studies have linked GMO products with different types of cancer, and even though they are not radioactive and won’t cause immediate harm, the risk is still latent. That’s why many people prefer non-GMO products and may even buy organic food.

As you can notice, the main source of carcinogens is not nature itself but how man intervenes and either eats elements of nature he was not made for or alters natural ingredients to make it taste better. Thus, a successful anticancer diet is one made up of natural ingredients and non-processed foods.

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It is also recommended to get your daily exercise and perform routine check-ups, even if you feel everything is all right. Doing all of this will help you be in a good shape, prevent cancer and other forms of chronic disease, and live a longer and healthier life.

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