Anxiety: Definition, Symptoms, Warning Signs, Causes, Medications, Treatment Options, Prevention, and Home Remedies

Social anxiety disorder

Social anxiety disorder
This disorder is only triggered in groups or when the individual is gathered with family, friends, or strangers. It usually happens with strangers, but almost any social interaction can be a trigger. Actually, the fact that anxiety happens with people we have known for years contributes to the diagnosis. The symptoms usually include:
  • Persistent fear of one’s performance: In social phobia, patients become very restless before, during, and after a social interaction. There is a constant fear of how one will perform socially.
  • Fear of scrutiny: Patients also fear being exposed to scrutiny. They don’t usually enjoy answering questions about themselves and limit themselves to short answers.
  • Impaired work and academic performance: Naturally, the difficulty patients experience in social circumstances impairs their performance at school and in working environments.
  • Avoidance behaviors: Patients can’t help but have avoidance behaviors in response to their fears. Even if they want to do something in particular or go out for fresh air, they would back away if that means interacting with someone else.