Anxiety: Definition, Symptoms, Warning Signs, Causes, Medications, Treatment Options, Prevention, and Home Remedies

Diet and herbal remedies for anxiety

Herbal remedies for anxiety
We can always feel worried and anxious from time to time, and it does not mean that we have a disorder that requires medical treatment. In such cases, a few dietary recommendations and herbal remedies can help relieve these symptoms and achieve a therapeutic goal. They include:
  • Avoiding beverages and foods that contain caffeine. They include coffee, cola beverages, tea, and some sports drinks and supplements.
  • Look for the list of ingredients in your supplements and make sure that you are not consuming ephedrine. This ingredient is known to worsen anxiety.
  • If you’re not allergic to herbal preparations, plenty of them have soothing effects. For instance, chamomile is known to improve generalized anxiety disorder when consumed for 12 weeks. Valerian has a robust sleep-inducing effect and is a potent sedative for patients with sleep disorders. Lavender essential oil releases terpenes received in your brain receptors to trigger a soothing effect. Passionflower is also known to help patients with nervousness and anxiety with an effect comparable to some medications. In some countries, consumption of cannabidiol is legal and not restricted as long as it doesn’t have a high proportion of THC. These supplements may also reduce anxiety symptoms and sleep problems.