Anxiety: Definition, Symptoms, Warning Signs, Causes, Medications, Treatment Options, Prevention, and Home Remedies

Signs and symptoms of anxiety disorders

Signs and symptoms of anxiety disorders
The first thing we need to rule out when considering signs and symptoms is an alternative cause. For instance, a patient who recently consumed coffee or any other stimulant should not be diagnosed with anxiety disorders regardless of his symptoms. Only after their blood is clear from the stimulant can we reach conclusions with a new assessment of signs and symptoms. As noted above, there are different types of anxiety disorders. Each type has its own signs and symptoms, and we should study them separately. Covering the signs and symptoms of all anxiety disorders would take much time. But you will find next to the most important and representative of the group as a whole. Generalized anxiety disorder According to the criteria of generalized anxiety disorder, you should have three of these symptoms for six months or more to be diagnosed:
  • Restlessness: These patients often feel on edge and apprehensive, even when there’s no reason.
  • Fatigue and feeling tired quickly: It burns energy to maintain a high level of stress and anxiety. Your body pays the price. That’s why generalized anxiety disorder is tiredness and fatigue. The latter is a severe sensation of exhaustion, even after resting enough.
  • Difficulty to concentrate: Patients with generalized anxiety are easily aroused by almost any stimulus. Thus, their attention span is very difficult to maintain. Their ability to concentrate is weak, and they commonly go blank-minded.
  • Irritability: Anxious patients are always on the edge and hyperactive to stimuli. They usually have a strong emotional reaction to minor things, especially if they are negative or pose a threat to them.
  • Muscle tension: These individuals keep their muscles tense, even without realizing it. Usual areas of muscle tension include the shoulders and back, and the legs. In some cases, muscle tension translates into nervous tics.
  • Sleep disturbances: Insomnia is a common problem in patients with generalized anxiety disorder. They may have a mild condition, difficulty falling asleep, or waking up several times amidst anxious thoughts.