Parathyroid Hormone: 15 Foods to Lower (PTH) Parathyroid Hormone Naturally

2. Fatty Fish

Fatty Fish

Fatty fish, including salmon, mackerel, and sardines, are renowned not only for their heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids but also for their significant vitamin D content. Vitamin D is crucial for the absorption of calcium in the gut, which directly influences the regulation of parathyroid hormone levels. By incorporating these types of fish into your diet, you can naturally enhance calcium metabolism, which is essential for maintaining balanced parathyroid hormone levels and supporting bone health.

Including fatty fish in your meals two to three times a week can provide a substantial boost in vitamin D, helping to regulate calcium levels in the blood and reduce the risk of parathyroid-related health issues. These nutrient-rich fish can be enjoyed grilled, baked, or even raw in sushi, offering a variety of options for incorporating them into a balanced diet. This not only contributes to a healthier parathyroid gland but also supports overall wellness through improved heart health and increased intake of beneficial fats.