Menopause Symptoms: 14 Early Warning Signs and Symptoms of Menopause Most Women Ignore!

6. Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal Dryness

With the onset of menopause, many women report experiencing vaginal dryness. This symptom, which is part of a greater condition known as a genitourinary syndrome or vulvovaginal atrophy, appears because the levels of serum estrogen produced by the ovaries drop dramatically.

When the vaginal tissue no longer receives the hormonal stimulus of estrogenic action, the production of vaginal secretions and vaginal discharge decreases significantly, which leads to dryness. Vaginal dryness often results in pain, or an itching or burning sensation.

Women affected by this condition can make a series of lifestyle changes that can help reduce dryness. Most at risk of suffering from vaginal dryness are obese women, smokers, those who practice strenuous physical activity, and those who suffer from dryness in other organs, such as the mouth or eyes. Furthermore, vaginal dryness can also be treated with a vaginal moisturizer that is introduced directly into the vaginal cavity to moisten the area and provide relief.