Menopause Symptoms: 14 Early Warning Signs and Symptoms of Menopause Most Women Ignore!

5. Sleep disorders

Sleep disorders

As a consequence of menopausal changes, women are twice as likely to suffer from sleep disorders as men. One of the most common and harmful sleep disorders that can arise from menopausal changes is Insomnia.

In fact, while other common menopausal symptoms are highly variable, Insomnia is the notable exception, remaining a near-constant in women of a certain age regardless of when they had their last menstrual period.

Menopausal women often report having difficulty falling asleep. Additionally, it is common that once sleep is attained, it cannot be maintained for any period of time, with frequent awakenings interrupting sleep throughout the night. Furthermore, some menopausal women who are able to fall asleep report poor quality sleep that is rarely restful.